Compensation in case of divorce and separation. Art. 1438 of the Spanish Civil Code. Compensatory allowance. Domestic work. Family law. Expert legal advice.

Compensation in case of divorce and separation. Article 1438 of the Spanish Civil Code. Compensation for domestic work Contribution to the marriage expenses. Legal advice. […]

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Divorce maintenance or alimony under Art. 97 of the Civil Code. Separation and divorce. Economic imbalance. Family law. Expert legal advice.

Divorce maintenance or alimony in Spain. Divorce and separation. Art. 97 Spanish Civil Code. Economic imbalance. Family law. Legal advice. […]

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Matrimonial regime in Spain. Different types. Joint Property. Separation of assets. Participation. Family law. Spanish Civil Code. Legal advice.

Matrimonial regime. Family law. Joint Property. Separation of property system. Participation. Spanish Civil Code. The importance of knowing how to choose. Legal advice. […]

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