Dear lawyers, We had planned to claim against the bank for the expenses we paid for the mortgage deed that we signed before a notary in Spain. We have since learned that the Spanish Supreme Court has issued a ruling saying that the costs have to be paid by the client and not the bank, […]
Buying a real estate properties in Spain through a public court auction. Basic tips and legal advice.
Question: We want to invest in real estate assets in Spain by buying them in public court auctions, is this possible? Could you help us? What are the basic issues that we must consider? IN answer to your questions, we have the following observations; Basic Information 1.There are many types of property or […]
Purchase and sale of real estate properties in Spain. Part II Legal advice: common mistakes. If it is registered it is legal.
IN this article we will continue to explain some of the most common mistakes made by buyers and sellers of real estate properties in Spain. Sometimes buyers believe (or are misinformed by other parties involved in the sale), that the fact that a property is registered in the corresponding land registry, means that it […]