IN today’s article we want to share with our readers the success that we have had in obtaining refunds of Spanish off plan property deposits initially lost due to the disappearance or liquidation of the developer. Fortunately, our office has been able to help dozens of people affected by this type of loss caused by […]
Can Spanish assets be left to whoever you want? Expatriates should be aware of legal obligations when making a will.
SINCE European Regulation 650/2012 applies in Spain, foreigners with assets and rights in the Spanish territory, whether they are residents or not, must be aware that the law applicable will be the law of the place of their habitual residence at the time of death, although it is possible for the testator or testatrix to […]
MORTGAGE EXPENSES BACK. New Success. Refund of the mortgage costs and part of the purchase expenses.
After coming back from holidays, our office received a court order regarding a mortgage loan expenses and costs claim, that we understand is very interesting, and that has been granted by the court nº 3 of Denia, judgment number 179/17, where the court estimates the claim I presented as a lawyer of the White Baos […]