Purchase off plan. Get your money back! (Almanzora Country Club, Valle de Calpe, Residencial la Via Denia)

Claim against the banks for money lost in Off Plan purchases from developers who breached contracts and failed to deliver properties, including those who had no bank guarantee for the deposit paid. For example: HUMA MEDIATERRANEO (Almanzora Country Club), GARDEMA DEVELOPMENTS S.L (Valle de Calpe), DETINSA, ( Residencial la Via, Denia), etc. Just as we […]

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From now in the Valencian Community, we will need to pay more pay more taxes for purchases (Transfer Tax), and succession and gifts (Inheritance and Gift Tax).

Dear Readers, Unfortunately and in line with the last years, the taxes in the Valencian Community, that means the provinces of Alicante, Valencia and Castellon, have been raised again. Thus, from this 6th August 6, 2013 came into force the Decree Law 4/2013, of the 2nd of August, which has modified several taxes transferred to […]

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Challenging and contesting a Spanish Will, granted to a foreigner in Spain. Does Spanish or foreign law apply to the succession?

Contest a Will in Spain granted by an Expat. Which Law Applies. […]

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