Divorce by consent in Spain

Spanish Power of Attorney: to make sure that your assets are properly administrated in case you should lose capacity (through dementia, Alzheimer, etc).

CONSULTATION: I am English, and my husband is becoming increasingly less capable due to age and illness. Can he prepare a Power of Attorney to be used in Spain that would enable me to act on his behalf if needed? Dear reader, Thank you for your consultation. In the UK, as far as we understand, […]

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SPANISH FAMILY LAW: Is it possible to change a divorce court order and agreement?

Some weeks ago, we received from the First Instance Court No.2 of Molina del Segura, in Murcia, a court order agreeing with our petition and defence. The ruling was that the economic agreement reached by the ex-spouses (an English man and a Spanish woman) in their divorce in the United Kingdom should not be changed. […]

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Spanish Mortgage Loans: refund of the overpaid interests in the cases of mortgage floor rates clauses, despite the Court Order from the Highest Court of Spain.

Dear Readers , As informed previously, recently there was a Court Order published from the High Court of Spain (Tribunal Supremo TS), in relation to mortgage floor rates, number 1916/2013. Mortgage Floor or Minimum Interest Clause, is a clause included in most mortgage loan agreements, setting a minimum rate of interest. These clauses limit any […]

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