Unfortunately some of our readers are not aware of the fact that the security deposit (bond) requested from the tenant renting a property or business in Spain, should be deposited at the banks appointed by the Valencia Administration Offices (Valencian Generalitat) by means of form 806 if the property is located in this autonomous Community, […]
Banks get hit again by Spanish Courts: The Castellon Regional Court ruled that Bankia is not legitimated to apply for the mortgage execution of the mortgages granted by Bancaja.
As we have stated in previous articles, we are receive many queries from persons who unfortunately are no longer able to pay their mortgage loan and cannot see a way out of this problem; especially when the bank refuses to accept their property as a dation in payment (dación en pago). Sadly in most case, […]
SUCCESSION AND GIFT TAX IN SPAIN Getting closer to the end of discrimination against Non Residents in Spain Legal possibility for Non Residents to claim refund for Inheritance Taxes paid.
Dear readers, Those of you who like to read and keep our articles will recall that at the beginning of 2011 we published one with the title: Is the Spanish IHT system discriminatory? What lies ahead? in that article we pointed out that the European Commission had formally asked Spain to change the regulation of […]