SUCCESSION AND GIFT TAX IN SPAIN Getting closer to the end of discrimination against Non Residents in Spain Legal possibility for Non Residents to claim refund for Inheritance Taxes paid.

Dear readers, Those of you who like to read and keep our articles will recall that at the beginning of 2011 we published one with the title: Is the Spanish IHT system discriminatory? What lies ahead? in that article we pointed out that the European Commission had formally asked Spain to change the regulation of […]

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SPANISH FAMILY LAW. DIVORCE AND SEPARATION IN SPAIN. Child support and maintenance during the holidays.

CONSULTATION: Dear Sir, My divorce Court Decree states that I should deposit 500 € monthly into my ex wife’s bank account as maintenance for my two under age children, (250€ each) for child support / maintenance. My children are spending the coming month of August with me and my question is if my children are […]

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Real Estate Spanish Law: how to buy a house from a Spanish Banks

Dear readers, Increasingly our clients are seeking help and advice about how to purchase a property from a bank in Spain, due to the well known fact that Spanish banks have accumulated in recent years a large amount of properties that are now being sold at very interesting prices. In relation with this type of purchase; […]

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