Query; Dear Sirs, I have a 4 years old daughter with the man who was my partner until 2 months ago, when we broke the relation. He has left the home and refuses to cooperate financially with our daughter’s care and expenses. Can I legally claim against him to pay for some of our […]
SPANISH INHERITANCE AND GIFT TAX. legal and tax plan, minimise, reduce, avoid the taxes to be paid. The importance of a correct tax and legal advice.
PLANNING YOUR SUCCESSION TAX COULD SAVE YOUR BENEFICIARIES THOUSANDS OF EUROS IN INHERITANCE AND /OR -GIFT TAXES. Many of us are not aware of how the Inheritance Tax (IHT) process works in Spain and therefore we do not know the amount that our beneficiaries may have to pay when receiving an Inheritance or a Donation. […]
DEED FOR NEW BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WORKS AND EXTENSIONS New requirements for inscriptions of Deeds at the Land Registry. Novelties about the Deeds granted for constructions works without building license.
When selling or purchasing a property in Spain, it is quite common for either the bank or the purchaser, to demand that the property be recorded in the corresponding Land Registry as it is at the time of selling or purchasing, which means, updating the registry description to make it match the property’s current physical […]