This week, we want to share with our readers yet another court success from our law firm. The procedure in question revolves around the eviction of an irregularly occupied property in Ibiza. Below, we analyse the key aspects of this case and the eviction of a squatter in Spain. You can read the complete judgement […]
Will and Durable Power of Attorney: Key Tools to Protect Your Future and Your Family’s. Expert Legal Advice
When discussing inheritances or sudden health issues, it’s increasingly common to hear about the problems that arise when there is no prior planning. Whether you are an older adult or younger, having a will and durable power of attorney can be crucial to avoiding disputes, complicated procedures, and additional costs for your loved ones. A […]
It is possible for Homeowners’ Associations to BAN TOURIST RENTALS?. New Spanish Supreme Court case law. Expert legal advice.
Tourist rentals have been a hot topic of debate for years. This activity has caused numerous issues in homeowners’ associations, as the leisure activities of tourists clash with the need for rest of residents. Some would say they are outright incompatible. Late-night noise, loud music, shouting, littering, and antisocial behaviour in common areas are common […]