Purchase Contract resolution or termination. Failure to pay the price by the buyer. Notary request. Legal actions and advice.

Spanish lawyers, solicitors and barristers. Contract and Real Estate Law in Spain. Breach of the buyer o obligation to pay the price. Resolution request of article 1514. Legal advice. […]

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Claim for the floor clause even if you have signed an agreement with your bank. ECJ decision opens door to claim against banks even if you have signed an agreement to waive future actions over floor clause

Spanish lawyers and solicitors. Banking law. Agreements and waiver of legal actions on mortgage floor clauses. […]

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Problemas Co propietearios

Problems between owners of a property in Spain. Legal advice. Compensation for preventing other owners using the common property.

Expert lawyers in Spain. Property rights. Disputes between co-owners. Exclusion in the use of the home or common property. Legal and court claim for compensation. […]

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