Right of preferential purchase of neighbours on rustic land in Spain. Right to acquire a rustic property sold to a third party. Right of preferential purchase of neighbouring land

ALTHOUGH not many people know it, in Spanish law, neighbours in rural areas and farm owners, have the right to demand that they can purchase adjacent land if it has been sold to a third party.   To explain, if you buy or sell what is considered rustic land in Spain, direct neighbours will have […]

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If your mortgage loan has been cancelled, even if was for the lack of payment of the monthly instalments, you can claim for a refund of the Life Insurance linked to your mortgage.

IF your mortgage loan has been cancelled, even if was for the shortfall in payment of interest;  you may be able to claim a part refund of any life insurance premium paid which was linked to your mortgage. In the past, many Spanish banks forced their client to enter into a life insurance agreement with […]

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The FLOOR CLAUSE in companies, freelancers and professionals mortgages. Supreme Court New Decision . In which cases could be successfully claimed for.

THE decision 168/2020, of March 11, 2020, made by the Spanish Supreme Court, has clarified whether companies, the self-employed and SMEs, could claim against the floor clause that  banks included in their mortgage loans, even in those cases in which the loan was required to be used by the borrower in their professional activity. In […]

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