Lack of payment of rents on commercial premises. Coronavirus crisis. Measures approved by the Spanish Government. Claims and legal advice.

IN these days of lockdown, many tenants have contacted our law firm explaining that they cannot pay rents for their commercial premises, store, restaurant, office, etc. There are also a number of landlords who have requested information about the possibility of claiming the rents that are not being paid for their premises or rights to […]

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Insolvency of individuals (not companies). Second Opportunity Law. Cancelation of the debts and start again. Bankruptcy. Legal advice.

IN principle under Spanish law an individual is responsible for the payment of his debts using present and future assets. This does not apply to companies who cannot pay their debts due to insolvency but individuals may have a second chance, that allows them to cancel all their debts and start again even if they […]

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Problems with the payments of rents or mortgages in Spain. Coronavirus crisis State of Alarm. Measures approved by the Government. Legal advice.

It is agreed that once the suspension of the procedural deadlines and the state of alarm ends, in those cases where the tenant is in a situation of social or economic vulnerability caused as a result of the COVID-19 effects, they may request the suspension of the eviction procedure, which will take place as per […]

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