WE receive many enquiries in relation to possible legal and court claims regarding the nullity of the IRPH clause of mortgage loans signed in Spain because of the possible lack of transparency in the documents. In today’s article, we want to focus on what can be claimed and what are the possible consequences of the […]
IRPH. Legal claim. How to make a claim for overpaid interest if you have a mortgage governed by IRPH rate. No Win No Fees.
WE are currently receiving many inquiries from clients who want to claim against their banks in relation to the so-called IRPH interest clauses of mortgage loans signed in Spain. They want our help in trying to recover overpaid interest, due to the application of the IRPH as an index for calculating the variable interest on […]
The effect of coronavirus on signed contracts. Modification or termination of the contracts. Act of God, force majeure, etc.
THERE are a number of opinions with regards to how the current situation influences contracts signed prior to the declaration of the state of alarm in Spain and the coronavirus crisis. It is evident that many of these contracts will not be able to be fulfilled within the agreed terms, especially with regard to the […]