Claim for the mortgage IRPH. ECJ court decision. Consequences of the null and void declaration.

WITHIN a few weeks we will know the final decision of the Superior Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in relation to whether the Mortgage Loan Reference Index IRPH could be abusive or non-transparent and therefore null and void. According to the latest news received, it is expected […]

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Invalidity of life insurance imposed by banks to clients requesting a mortgage loan in Spain. Claim money paid back. If your Bank would only give mortgage with life insurance It may be possible to cancel or obtain refund

THERE were many banks that when granting a mortgage loan made it a condition that borrowers take out a life insurance policy to cover the loan instalments in case of death.In a number of cases, such insurance was paid in full (in a single premium) at the same time as the mortgage loan was signed […]

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How to acquire the Spanish real estate property for its use and possession for a long time. Usucapion. Adverse possession.

There are several ways to acquire ownership of a real estate property under Spanish law. The best known is the transfer of the property or ‘tradition’, which consists of the act of delivery by means of sale, a gift or some other recognised means. Today’s article will focus on another way of acquiring the property […]

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