Problems in the property sold or bought. Claim against a property in case of hidden defects.

SOMETIMES, following the purchase of a property, the new owner discovers the existence of defects, which on many occasions could not have been seen prior to completion because they were hidden problems which decrease the value of the property or make it less suitable to live in. Examples of potential hidden problems include dampness, poorly […]

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PLUSVALÍA MUNICIPAL TAX: it is illegal if the amount to be paid is higher than the benefit obtained.

RECENTLY, the Constitutional Court has again ruled on the controversial tax concerning the increase in the value of urban land, commonly known as Plusvalia municipal.   This tax estimates the hypothetical increase of value that urban land could be worth at the time of its transmission, whether by purchase, donation, inheritance, etc. Its amount depends […]

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Segregation of properties in Spain. Steps to be taken.

Segregation of properties in Spain. Process. Steps to be taken. Expert legal advice

The segregation of a plot can be a useful operation when one is interested in splitting and transferring part of a property by means of a sale or as a gift.This operation of Segregation of properties in Spain requires the separation of a portion of land from the original plot. Making it a new independent […]

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