Recognition and enforcement of a Foreign Court decision in Spain.

WHEN a decision is made by the Courts of one country, that resolution can affect the situation in other countries where the defendant or plaintiff may have connections.   One of the most significant examples of this is divorce settlements and as an example a couple gets divorced through the courts of their country (United […]

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Waiver or renunciation to an inheritance in Spain. Consequences for children, taxes, etc.

OCCASIONALLY we receive enquiries from clients who wish to renounce an inheritance, sometimes the reason is because their debts and liability (passive) are higher than the assets and rights (active) to be inherited and therefore, it is not beneficial to inherit; although sometimes the reason is due to a bad family relationship or for tax […]

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Time Sharing. Legal Claims. Get back double of the advance payments.

FROM the 1990’s until a few years ago, it was quite common for visitors to Spain (and even expatriate residents) to receive the offers related to contracts for the shared use of immoveable assets or real estate, colloquially known as timeshare contracts. By means of this type of contract, the buyer acquired the right to […]

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