Problems with one heir who does not want to agree on the inheritance. Legal advice.

SOMETIMES an inheritance can be complicated, and the attitude of one or more of the heirs could result in a long and expensive delay to the other beneficiaries if one does not wish to collaborate and reach an acceptable agreement.   ACCEPTANCE OF THE HERITAGE First of all, and in order to determine who the […]

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Construction on other people land in Spain. Legal advice.

ALTHOUGH it seems somewhat strange, there are quite a few situations in which a property is built, sometimes by mistake and in good faith and sometimes on purpose and knowing it, on land owned by someone else without their permission. This can occur in different situations such as for example; When someone buys a plot […]

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Minimize the inheritance tax in Spain, when the beneficiary of the inheritance is a stepchild.

THE relationship between the deceased and the heir or beneficiary is very important in the Spanish inheritance system.   Spanish Law regarding inheritances recognises that some close relatives have the absolute right to inherit (e.g. children, parents, and spouses) but if you are not a Spanish national, you may be able to avoid the application […]

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