Question: I AM an expatriate who resides permanently in Spain and I have built a house on a plot near Denia, where I live. I have been informed that I must declare the construction to the land registry and pay a tax of 1.5 per cent of the value of the property. Can you advise […]
Accelerated repayment clause in mortgage loans. Nullity. Judgment of the CJEU.
ON March 26 of this year, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Justice issued a court decision on the accumulated cases C-70/17 and C-179/17, relating to accelerated repayment clause or the early maturity clause contained in the majority of mortgage loans in Spain. First of all, it should be remembered that the […]
New Changes on the Lettings Regulations in Spain. Royal Decree 7 2019. Tenants protection.
Most of the lettings contracts for a house or commercial premises are governed in Spain by the Urban Letting Contracts (Ley de Arrendamientos Urbanos). This law was born in 1994, and although it is still in force, it has been modified in numerous occasions. The last revision of this regulation has been the one carried […]