FROM the year 2013, both Spanish and foreign nationals who had fixed their fiscal residence in Spain and and owned or had rights to property located abroad which exceeded €50,000 when valued together, had to submit a 720 form annually to the Tax Agency. Assets or rights abroad had to be declared in detail, including […]
Divorce in Spain. Termination of the right of use of the family home for living with a new partner.
The article 96 of the Spanish civil code states that: In the absence of agreement of the spouses approved by the Judge, the use of the family home and objects of ordinary use on it, correspond to the children and the spouse in whose company they remain. …. Therefore, what is provided by the Spanish […]
You can claim against the bank: floor clause, expenses, multi-currency, etc. even if the mortgage was paid or you gave the property in lieu of payment to the bank.
There are many people who were affected by abusive clauses in their mortgage loans, such as floor clauses, expenses, multi-currencies, abusive delay interest rates, etc.. In many cases and for various reasons, sometimes because of these abusive clauses, mortgage holders could not pay their loan and ended up losing their house, or handing over their […]