Prepare the sale of a Spanish Property, save time, avoid problems with our PreSale Service

ON many occasions, expatriates in Spain who want or need to sell their property go directly to a real estate agent or try to sell it themselves without knowing its current legal status.   Often therefore sales can fall through or be delayed because the seller does not have proper paperwork and documents, or correct […]

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save gift and inheritance tax in Spain

Legal advice and useful tips concerning inheritance and probate in Spain: taxes, expenses, etc.

Question My father died some time ago and recently my mother has also passed away. They had several properties in Spain and we would like to be advised and informed about how we should proceed with the Spanish inheritance tax and if it is appropriate to appoint a Spanish lawyer to assist us. Thank you. […]

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Spanish Tax Residents. From 720. Fines and presentation. Is it ILLEGAL?

FROM the year 2013, both Spanish and foreign nationals who had fixed their fiscal residence in Spain and and owned or had rights to property located abroad which exceeded €50,000 when valued together, had to submit a 720 form annually to the Tax Agency. Assets or rights abroad had to be declared in detail, including […]

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