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Buying property commercial and residential in Spain

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    Purchase Contract resolution or termination. Failure to pay the price by the buyer. Notary request. Legal actions and advice.

    Spanish lawyers, solicitors and barristers. Contract and Real Estate Law in Spain. Breach of the buyer o obligation to pay the price. Resolution request of article 1514. Legal advice. […]

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    Sale and purchase of real estate properties though a company structure. Tax Fraud?

    IN the past, many people when they wanted to buy or sell a property in Spain, considered the possibility of creating a corporate structure abroad to which the property would be allocated or invested. They did this in order to avoid paying certain taxes in Spain, such as the Transfer Tax, the Capital Gains Taxes, […]

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    Purchase and sale of a property in Spain. The importance of the occupation license.

    Question: Dear lawyer, I am going to buy a property in Denia (Costa Blanca), and I have found contradictory opinions about the importance of whether the property has an occupation license or not. The vendor told me that as the property has contracts for water and electricity, there is no problem and it is neither […]

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