Dear Readers, Unfortunately and in line with the last years, the taxes in the Valencian Community, that means the provinces of Alicante, Valencia and Castellon, have been raised again. Thus, from this 6th August 6, 2013 came into force the Decree Law 4/2013, of the 2nd of August, which has modified several taxes transferred to […]
Buying property commercial and residential in Spain
Latest Articles and Real Cases Related
In this section we publish legal articles and real court cases of your law firm. Consult your doubts in our database
Law Estate Litigation. Legal claim against the seller for hiding leaks problem and moisture in the house sold.
CONSULTATION: I bought an old property (villa), and after completion damp and leaks problems appeared. Could I legally claim against the selle,r asking for him to repair or pay the cost to repair these defects? Dear Reader, Thank you for your enquiry. In principle, the answer should be YES. You should be able to claim […]
The Town hall refused to grant the occupation license and habitability certificate for my house and we cannot get water and electricity supply. What can we do?
CONSULTATION: Dear lawyers, We have built a property in La Marina Alta (Alicante) in accordance with the building or construction license granted by the Town Hall. But now, this same city council refuses to give us the occupation license or habitability certificate, saying that we should have paid or transferred to them some land as […]