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Obtaining Spanish N.I.E.-NIE Numbers

One of the most common questions that arise when foreigners come to Spain is: How Can I obtain my Foreigners Identification Number (NIE)?
From White and Baos we can advise on all matters concerning this issue. Note that there are several ways to get your NIE N.I.E. :

Obtaining your Spanish NIE Number from Spain:
If you are in Spain, you should go to the Foreign Office or to the National Police Station competent in the area where you domicile in Spain is.
Once there, you must complete the appropriate form,you will also need to show them your original passport, etc. Oftentimes, you should book an appointment. The only inconvenience is that you may have to wait for up to several hours in a queue in order to submit your application. It does depend upon the police station where you apply, and the time of day (early is better).

Obtaining your Spanish NIE Number outside Spain:
If you are outside of the Spanish territory, you should be able to apply for it in front of the Spanish consulate, if for example live in England ( United Kingdom) the consulates are located in London and Manchester.
Please note that normally this could take along period, as the process is slower, as they need to send the documents from your country to Spain. Please remember that The Spanish Consulate cannot issue NIE numbers; it only acts as a “postal box” between the applicant and the competent authorities in Spain.
Our office can get the NIE for you, without the need you to come to Spain.

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