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    In this section we publish legal articles and real court cases of your law firm. Consult your doubts in our database

    New Court Success: Money lost from Off Plan Purchase. CONSTRUCCIONES MONTE PUCHOL SL

    ONCE again in today’s article, we want to inform our readers of a new court success, which will give hope to those who purchased an off plan property from the developer Construcciones Monte Puchol S.L.   This company, like many others, became involved several years ago in the construction of new properties, selling, off plan […]

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    Off plan properties in Spain. Guarantees when buying. Get the money lost back.

    IN previous articles we have commented on the possibility of recovering money lost in the off plan purchase of new homes where the developer has disappeared or has become insolvent. According to the applicable law, (until recently, Law 57/68), the banks receiving in accounts opened by the developers , which knew that they were payments […]

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    New Court Success with off plan payments being refunded to buyers at Residencial Santa Ana Del Monte ( Herrada Del Tollo SL )

    IN today’s article we want to share with our readers the success that we have had in obtaining refunds of Spanish off plan property deposits initially lost due to the disappearance or liquidation of the developer. Fortunately, our office has been able to help dozens of people affected by this type of loss caused by […]

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