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    Problems with the payments of rents or mortgages in Spain. Coronavirus crisis State of Alarm. Measures approved by the Government. Legal advice.

    It is agreed that once the suspension of the procedural deadlines and the state of alarm ends, in those cases where the tenant is in a situation of social or economic vulnerability caused as a result of the COVID-19 effects, they may request the suspension of the eviction procedure, which will take place as per […]

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    How to acquire the Spanish real estate property for its use and possession for a long time. Usucapion. Adverse possession.

    There are several ways to acquire ownership of a real estate property under Spanish law. The best known is the transfer of the property or ‘tradition’, which consists of the act of delivery by means of sale, a gift or some other recognised means. Today’s article will focus on another way of acquiring the property […]

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    Collapse or danger of falling down the next door wall or construction. How to force the neighbor to repair or demolish it.

    IT may be possible that the owner of a neighbouring plot has a construction, house or a wall on his land which is in a dangerous condition.   Perhaps it is so dangerous that it could fall down or collapse potentially causing damage to your property or even to yourself or other people or possessions […]

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