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Real Estate Litigation

Real Estate Litigation in Spain. Breach of contract by Developers. Disagreements with the Builder. Non-contractual liability for damages. Construction defects. Dissolution of Joint Property Ownership. Eviction and problems with tenants.

Real estate litigation in Spain can be complex and challenging, often involving high financial risks and personal distress. Whether you are dealing with a property transaction (purchase, sale, etc.) a construction project, or property management; at White-Baos Lawyers we are committed to provide you the legal support you need to safeguard your interests at all times.

Claims against Developers and Enforcement of Guarantees in Off-Plan Purchases.

Purchasing property off-plan can be filled with risks. Developers may fail to deliver on their promises. Such as a timely delivery, the quality of the materials or finishes, etc.  Leaving you, the buyer in a difficult situation. We specialize in pursuing claims against developers and enforcing guarantees to secure your investment.

In addition, according to the LOE (Building Code) developers must guarantee the amounts you pay, when buying off-plan.

Termination of Building execution contracts with a Builder.

Construction projects can sometimes go off track, causing significant complications and difficulties that may require prompt action. Issues with the builder can range from delays in project completion, failure to adhere to agreed-upon specifications, disputes over the quality of the materials, overpriced extras, etc. If you encounter problems with your builder or need to terminate a construction contract, we will provide you the legal support you need to manage these disputes.

Non-Contractual Liability for Damages Caused by Construction Works

Construction projects can sometimes cause damage to neighbouring properties or public infrastructure. We offer legal services to address non-contractual liability for such damages, from both perspectives. Whether you are seeking compensation as the affected party or need to defend against excessive claims, we will work diligently to ensure a fair and equitable the resolution in your real estate litigation case.

Claims for Construction Defects and Flaws

Discovering defects in a new property can be both disappointing and costly. These defects can manifest in various forms, ranging from minor cosmetic issues to more serious structural flaws. Problems with the foundation. Roofing issues. Plumbing or electrical deficiencies. Water intrusion. Poor insulation. Etc. Identifying and addressing these defects in a timely manner is crucial to protect your investment. Our firm specializes in helping clients pursue claims for construction defects, regardless of the severity or nature of the issues.

Dissolution of Joint Ownership and Termination of Community Property

Joint ownership and community property arrangements can sometimes lead to disputes among co-owners. Disagreements over property usage. Maintenance responsibilities. Financial obligations. Changes in personal circumstances of each party. Etc. These disputes can escalate and create significant tension and legal complexities between the owners. We can assist you in dissolving joint ownership and terminating community property agreements in a fair and legally compliant manner.

Evictions and Tenant-Landlord Disputes

Tenant-landlord relationships can become contentious, especially in cases of non-payment of the rent. But also in lease violations, property damage, noise complaints, disputes over the security deposit or repairs, etc. Our firm stands ready to assist you. Our expert group of barristers handles all aspects of the eviction process. From legal notices to court representation.

Other Real Estate Claims: Boundary Issues, etc.

Unclear property lines, violation of boundaries, disagreements over easements or rights-of-way. White-Baos specializes in addressing these and other issues and navigating the complexities of judicial real estate law.

Choosing our law firm for your real estate litigation needs means partnering with a dedicated team of legal experts who are committed to achieving the best outcomes for our clients. With a proven track record of successful cases and a deep understanding of Spanish real estate law, we are the ideal choice to handle your property disputes. Let us help you safeguard your investments and navigate the complexities of real estate ownership in Spain.

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