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Tenancy disputes / eviction

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    Changes on the Spanish Urban Lettings Law. What you need to know if you let or rent a property as landlord (lessor) or tenant (lessee) in Spain

    Dear readers, The Spanish Law 29/1994 for Urban Lettings ( LAU), which is the principal law ruling tenancy agreements in Spain, has been modified this month. From all the changes, we would like to highlight the following: 1.- Rental or tenancy agreements inscription on the Land Registry. Article 7 of this LAU, has been changed. […]

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    Eviction process and claim for unpaid rents in Spain, llength of the process in Spain, Spanish execution.

    Dear Sirs, I am an Irish citizen and I rent my house in Spain on a regular basis but this time I am having problems with my tenant as he stopped paying the rent four months ago and since that time he has given me all kinds of excuses; he keeps telling me that he […]

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    DACION EN PAGO: handing back the keys and the property to the bank in settlement of the mortgage loan.

    Dear Sirs. We are a British couple and we purchased a property in Oliva (between Alicante and Valencia) 5 years ago. The exchange rate together with the economic crisis that affects both the UK and Spain mean that we can no longer afford the mortgage. The Spanish bank is not prepared to accept the house […]

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