One of the most common ways to transfer a property in Spain is to make a gift or donation. Through this operation, the ownership of a property is transferred for free to a person ( individual) or a legal entity, company. This operation can be very attractive if you want to put a property in […]
At White Baos Abogados, we are experts in legal advice on Probate Wills and inheritance tax in Spain. Likewise, in challenge or claim against Wills and inheritances.
Spanish and international inheritances and Probate
As lawyers we have been able to help numerous clients in the processing of their inheritances in Spain. And also outside of Spain, through our collaborating offices abroad.
Knowledge of private international law, and Spanish law, makes us a benchmark law firm in the processing of inheritances with international or cross border elements. And on the implications regarding inheritance tax for expatriates. With specialisation in the execution of foreign Wills in Spain.
Wills signed in Spain and outside of Spain
As experts with knowledge of Spanish and European regulations (especially European Regulation 650/2012) and international law, we advise our clients (expatriates especially) in the execution of Wills in Spain.
It is essential to keep in mind:
First, the different laws that may be applicable to the inheritance.
Second, the tax implications. Inheritance tax laws.
Finally, the client’s wishes, and the execution of the Will.
Legal advice on inheritance tax in Spain
It is essential when making a Will or processing an inheritance, etc to know the inheritance tax in Spain. And its application to expatriates, or when there are assets out of Spain, etc.
As lawyers, we advise on the tax beforehand, carrying out tax planning, adapted to the client’s needs.
Likewise, we advise the heirs, etc on the different tax options, etc.
In addition, we have achieved numerous successes claiming against the tax authorities in Spain, in relation to inheritance tax reclaims.
Challenge and nullity of wills in Spain
One of our specialties is the challenge of Wills, probate and inheritances in Spain. Both for Spanish and expatriates: British, Irish, French, Belgian, German, etc.
So if you want to know if you can contest a Will, if they have left you nothing; Or if you can claim against an inheritance or the heirs, our firm can advise you.
Our Probate, Wills and inheritance tax in Spain
As specialist lawyers we can advise you on these matters. In relation to how to progress them in front of the Spanish courts, but also, in those cases, when there is no need to go to court.
For expert professional legal advice, contact us
Other articles or services related:
Spanish Wills (signed in Spain or in the UK)
Spanish Inheritance Deeds
Inheritance and Gift Tax Planning. Death Duties-Taxes. IHT/I.H.T.
Challenging and contesting a Will in Spain. Grounds for disputing a Will, How to contest, challenge and dispute a Will or Testament. Spanish Probate and Will Laws.
Please click the link below to see the video: FAQ About Spanish Inheritance Tax.
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Legal advice and useful tips concerning inheritance and probate in Spain: taxes, expenses, etc.
Question My father died some time ago and recently my mother has also passed away. They had several properties in Spain and we would like to be advised and informed about how we should proceed with the Spanish inheritance tax and if it is appropriate to appoint a Spanish lawyer to assist us. Thank you. […]
Living outside the EU should not mean paying more taxes in Spain. Brexit a new decision by Spanish Supreme Court minimizes its effects.
AS was mentioned in a previous article, we are helping many foreigners who paid inheritance and gift or donation taxes in Spain and are residents outside of the European Union, to recover and get back, in most cases, a large proportion of the taxes paid. This is because the ECJ and the Spanish Supreme […]